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Can We Talk ?

As seen on television and stages all over the world, Dee Dee is available for the following kinds of events:

- Award Banquets
- Conventions
- Master of Ceremonies
- Destination Events
- Las Vegas Style Reviews
- Red Carpet Arrivals
- And More… Get Creative and Let Us Know What You’re Looking For!

“Can we talk?”
No seriously, contact Dee Dee today at 714.470.5390!

Dee Dee Hanson is the Diva of Talk, the Queen of the Red Carpet, she is Joan Rivers. So what’s the scoop on her? Here it is, straight from Joan Rivers herself!

- Joan Rivers

“The lady who plays me so well is Dee Dee Hanson and you’re TERRRIFIC!”


- Price Waterhouse Coopers

“I'd like to express our gratitude and satisfaction for your performaces at PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Your portrayal is so well researched, rehearsed and convincing, many of our show attendees actually believe that you are Joan Rivers.”


- Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino

“Thank you for the marvelous job you did at our Employee of the Year Gala. You were instrumental in making the guests feel like the "Stars" of the evening. Thank you for helping to make the evening such a big success.”


- Charles Schwab Institutional

“With Joan Rivers (Dee Dee hanson) as Emcee we created a spectacular evening. Your improvisational ability and reformatting skills are exceptional. The evening was a success.”




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